‘A sparkle in the sky’

Kinetic Humor | Ivo Schoofs & Pépé Heijnen

Lucy kiiltää taivaalla kuin timantti puutarhan yläpuolella.

Lucy on 5-metrinen elementti joka nostetaan Botanian puutarhan yläpuolelle. Teos toimii hyödyntäen tuulta, jossa liikkuvat paneelit muodostavat uniikin kokonaisuuden. Paneelit ovat toiselta puolelta valkoiset ja toiselta puolelta peilipintaiset. Teoksen dynamiikka riippuu tuulen voimakkuudesta ja suunnasta.


With a background in Physics and in particular Optics, Ivo Schoofs (1972) established the foundation for a cross-over approach between technology and kinetic light art. As a child, he grew up in a world of inventions, mechanical engineering, mathematics and the love for nature.Inspiration for his large scale projects often comes from nature itself. In 2009 Schoofs started his company of inventions ‘Kinetic Humor’. The projects were soon noticed by international light art festivals with many invitations world wide as a result. The joy of inventing, experimenting, failing, succeeding and finally scaling up, is a inexhaustible source for Schoofs.


Pepe Heijnen (1978) is interested in connecting technology and art. Since childhood, he has been working with cables, ropes, and other connections. As a broadly trained electrical engineer in high and low voltage, he specializes in electronics and automation. Due to his wonder for machinery and motion, physics, lightning, and the world of Nikola Tesla, he is fascinated by tying up technical loose ends in art, fiction, and experience. Pepe has created several works for GLOW Eindhoven and other light art festivals.

Lucy sparkles in the sky like a diamond high above the gardens. Her presence seems so obvious, but until now she was just not visible. Her skin is bright white one moment, and the next it radiates light like a diamond.

The frame of Lucy is filled with spinning panels. Bright white on one side, a mirror-surface on the other. The frames are moved/turned by the wind. The dynamics depend on the strength and direction of the wind.
